The study of communication is a rapidly growing discipline within colleges and universities across the United States. Communication is a skill that is in high demand and the Communication Studies Department can help you achieve the communication skills necessary to succeed in today’s competitive job market. Below is a list of some of the career opportunities available to students with a degree in communication. Some careers may require additional schooling.


  • 广告 or marketing specialist
  • Creative Director
  • 媒体规划师
  • 媒体 Sales Representative
  • Social Networking Specialist

Business and Nonprofit

  • Manager or Executive Director
  • Human Resources Manager
  • Community Organizer
  • 技术作家
  • Diversity Trainer

Communication and Healthcare

  • Medical Grants 作家
  • Healthcare Administrator
  • Health Personnel Educator
  • Healthcare Counselor

媒体 Related Occupations

  • TV or Radio Performer/Announcer
  • 新闻 and Community Relations Manager
  • 作家


  • 活动负责人
  • Legislative Assistant
  • 当选的官员
  • 演讲的作家
  • 说客

International Relations and Negotiations

  • Non-governmental Organization Representative
  • 翻译
  • Diplomat/Foreign Service
  • Student Tour Coordinator


  • 法律秘书
  • 媒体tion and Negotiation Specialist
  • 律师
  • 法律研究

Social and Human Services

  • Community Affairs Liaison
  • 社会工作者
  • 宗教领袖
  • Public Administrator

Communication Studies

Temporarily Virtual

Book an Appointment with an Advisor

电话: 303-615-0400

电子邮件: [email protected]

P.O. 173362箱
丹佛, CO 80217-3362