Fall 2024 Program Applications

Earn & Learn FA24 Cohort Applications are Live!

  • Submit your application for Fall 2024 here: FALL 2024 APPLICATION.
  • Applications due by May 1st @ 5pm.
  • 有关该计划的基本信息,请查看下面的SP24信息部分.
Classroom and study spaces_FirstWeek_210825AM

Watch our Virtual Info Session for Spring 2024!

We strongly recommend viewing the info session video, 因为它涵盖了围绕程序应用程序的一些重要细节. It’s about 8 minutes long and includes subtitles.

About Earn & Learn

About Earn & Learn


该计划为需要经济援助的本科生和研究生提供资金支持,以参加无偿学习, off- campus internship opportunities.

Through Earn and Learn, 密歇根州立大学丹佛分校为体验式学习提供了公平的竞争环境,并继续为皇冠官网网站的学生提供重要的经济支持,以便他们能够通过这种高影响力的实践参与职业塑造机会.

Earn and Learn serves cohorts of diverse students, with over 60% reporting first-generation status, spanning 33 different and dynamic majors, 为传统和非传统学生提供宝贵的实践学习支持.


Program Benefits

Program Benefits

  • 在无薪实习期间,每小时的报酬等于(或高于)丹佛市最低工资, up to 150 hours per semester (as of FA24).
    • Undergraduate: $18.29/hr
    • Graduate: $19/hr
  • 作为你实地工作的一部分,获得宝贵的经验,这将使你与众不同,并为你未来的职业生涯做好准备.
  • 通过网络和工作经验,在专业和个人方面成长.
  • 与优秀的职业准备资源联系,让自己在专业领域占据优势.
  • Relief from financial stress, 提供减少额外承诺的能力,更多地关注学习经验.

Program Requirements

Program Requirements

To qualify for the Earn and Learn Program, you must:

  • Be a degree-seeking, undergraduate OR graduate student
  • Be eligible for student employment
  • Be considering an off-campus, unpaid internship for credit for Fall 2024.
  • Be within program participation limits
    • Students that have previously participated in Earn & 学习仅限于参加2个学期的本科生和1个学期的研究生.

Steps to Apply

Steps to Apply

  • Ensure that you meet the above program requirements.
  • 观看皇冠官网网站的信息会话在页面的顶部,了解更多关于程序和提交有竞争力的应用程序. *具体的课程细节可能会在每个学期发生变化,请联系更详细的说明.
  • 在截止日期之前提交你的申请供考虑.
Person standing in medical office with clipboard

Important Dates - Fall 2024

Fall 2024 Application Timeline:

  • Application Open: April 1, 2024
  • Applications are due: May 1, 2024
  • Final Decisions Given: May 10, 2024




[Earn & Learn] helped take anxiety and worry off of my plate. 它创造了一种方式,可以做任何事情,比如上学, internship, and work more manageable. 我不需要在我的兼职工作加班来弥补不工作. It has allowed a more valuable learning experience. – Layla


参加Earn and Learn项目帮助我减轻了经济上的负担和压力,同时也让我能够更加全身心地投入到实习和学业任务中. 我不再为支付基本生活必需品而焦虑,也可以花时间享受我的实习经历. – Amber


The Earn & 学习计划允许我支付托儿费用,这样我就可以参与并专注于学生教学. At my placement, 我终于能够看到作为一名教师和亲自教学生是什么感觉. 在当老师的日常生活中,我学到了很多真实世界的知识. – Kelcy


参加Earn and Learn Program让我可以选择最符合我目标的实习,这对我来说是一种挑战,而不仅仅是为了获得学分而选择实习. 我可以把更多的时间投入到实习和其他课程上, as well as pay for some of my tuition and books. 我不可能接受无薪实习,所以这个项目太棒了. – Michele


Questions about Earn & Learn?

Connect with Earn & Learn

Office Location(s):

Phone Number:
303 615-1133

[email protected]